The Kerri D. Efird Memorial Scholarship was established to carry on the memory of a very special person, whose life was cut very short, but in her 18 years accomplished more than more will in a long-life span.
Our precious daughter, Kerri, passed away on February 21, 1999 at the age of 18. Kerri had cystic fibrosis and was a diabetic. We went to Duke, in Durham, NC, for regular check-ups for many years, as she was diagnosed at the age of 11 months. Around the age of 16, Kerri’s lungs, through reoccurring infections, no longer responded to antibiotics and was placed on the transplant list for a set of lungs. On May 10, 1997 (Mother’s Day), she underwent a double lung transplant. Kerri was a very strong and inspirational person who refused to give up. After transplant, Kerri was in the hospital for 11 weeks and then in rehab for 5 weeks at Duke Medical Center. We came home in August of 97; 1 week after school had started. She went back to school where she was in the 11th grade at West Stanly High School in Oakboro, NC. We did many rounds of IV’s for various complications at home, but Kerri who was very involved in Drama – The West Stanly Players, continued to go to school and keep up with her class. It finally became best for her to go on home bound, due to the monthly hospitalizations that had now started due to continued complications. But Kerri, being the strong person she was, she had actually completed the number of required courses for graduation in the fall of 1998 and decided to take on-line courses at our local community college.
Kerri did not get to walk across the stage at graduation with her class of 1999, but in spirit, she was there with us when her name was called and we received her diploma for graduation and she was recognized for her academic achievements against all odds.
Kerri made such an impression on her teachers and fellow students, that a scholarship fund was established in her name. Kerri always wanted to help other people and never wanted anyone to feel sorry for her, even though she really had her own burdens to carry. She constantly relied on her faith in God, family and friends to carry her through some of her worst days. Kerri had agreed to be a chairperson prior to her death for the Cystic Fibrosis Great Strides Walk-a-Thon Event. Ironically on the day of her funeral, the packet came in the mail. We knew that she wanted to do this so Scottie and I were committed to do this for her. We ride motorcycles, and in lieu of a walk, after talking with some of our friends, we decided to get our friends together and have a ride – the 1st Kerri D Efird Bike Run -in approx. 2 months we put together a ride that had 67 bikes & raised $3500. All in donations, the first year the monies were given to the CF Foundation and The Kerri D. Efird Memorial Scholarship. We awarded 6-$500. Scholarships in June 1999 at West Stanly High School.
During the year of 99-00, the Scholarship fund made great strides of which we are very proud. We incorporated with the State of NC, filed & received Tax Exempt status from the IRS w/all contributions deductible as allowed by law, & appointed a Board of Directors. For the 2nd KDE Bike Run, held on April 29, 1999 we had 110 bikes and raised approx. $4500. & Awarded 4-$750. Scholarships on June 2000 at West Stanly HS. The 3rd KDE Ride was held on April 28, 2001, once again a huge success, with 198 bikes, raising over $6000. We proudly gave 4, $1000. Scholarships in May 2001. The 4th Annual Bike Run was held on April 29, 2002, and thankfully was another successful event. With an ominous sky, and cool temps, the day turned into a wonderful event raising $7000. On May 14, 2002 at the West Stanly Seniors Award Night, we proudly gave away once again 4 -$1000. Scholarships to 4 deserving seniors. The 5th Annual Bike Run was held on April 26, 2003, but the weather was not very friendly to motorcycles. Regardless of the rain, we still had 112 determined riders and once again raising approx. $6000! On Senior Night in May, 2003 we once again awarded 4-$1000. Scholarships. The 6th Annual KDE Memorial Bike Run was held on April 24, 2004 with the largest turnout yet with 234 motorcycles and approx. $6500. Being raised and once again for 2004 we awarded $4000. In Scholarships. The 7th Annual KDE Bike Run was held on April 30, 2005 under a gray, rainy & cool sky but went on regardless with a show of 110 dedicated Bikers. Which all things considered still raised approx. $5500! We once again awarded $4000. In scholarships on senior night in May 2005. The 8th KDE Bike Run was held April 29, 2006 w/212 motorcycles and sunshine was our companion for the day with a total raised again of $6000. With history repeating itself we awarded $4000. In scholarships in May 2006. The 9th Annual Kerri D. Efird Memorial Bike Run was held April 28, 2007, with the largest turnout yet of 253 motorcycles and raising over $11,000, and once again in May 2007 we awarded $4000. To four special seniors for a total awarded for the life of the Scholarship – $34,000.
The 10th Annual KDE Bike Run was held on April 26th, 2008 and approx. $12,000 was raised & had a total of 250 motorcycles participating. On Seniors Award Night in May 2008 we awarded the 4-$1000. Scholarships and in addition had 2- $500.awarded as this year was an extra special year as we reached a huge milestone in the life of the scholarship. The 11th Annual KDE Bike Run was held on a blessed day on April 25, 2009 and had a huge turnout of bikes and supporters! We had 250 Bikes and had a safe ride – and raised $11,000 in donations. WSHS Senior Awards night was held on May 28th, 2009 and we again awarded 4 – $1000. Scholarships to 4 deserving seniors! The 12th KDE Bike run was held on April 24, 2010 and with the threat of rain the turnout was not as large as previously, but we still had 190 bikers turnout raising $11,500. A wonderful day after all! We awarded – 5-$1000. Scholarships on June 3, 2010- this year we had one extra dedicated to the Memory of Kyle Allen, who tragically was taken from us too soon, as his family remembered him thru Memorials dedicated to the KDE Scholarship Fund, of which we were very honored to receive in his memory. The 14th KDE Bike Run was held on April 28th, 2012 & approx. $12,000 was raised & had a total of 212 motorcycles participating on another great ride & May 29, 2012 we awarded $ We awarded 4 – $1000. & 2 – $500. Scholarships! As in years past, April 27 2013, being the last Sat in April, the 15th KDE bike run was held with cool temps and the threat of rain but in spite of all, 142 bikes and $11,500 raised. We awarded May 23, 2013, four more $1000. Scholarships. The 16th KDE Bike Run was held on April 26, 2014 with a beautiful sun & fun filled day. We had 147 bikes and raised $11,330. We awarded for 2014 Senior Awards Night @ West Stanly HS, 4 more $1000. Scholarships.
The 17th KDE Bike Run was held on a cold & rainy, April 25th, & approx. $9600. was raised with only 32 motorcycles participating but it was a successful event regardless of the weather.
The 2015 Awards were awarded in style as we awarded $5000. to five more deserving students valued @ $1000. each.
The 18th Kerri D Efird Memorial Scholarship Bike Run was held on April 30, 2016, and was very emotional, as Kerri was only 18 years old when She passed away – and this itself made it very emotional for us. It once again was a very blessed event with 132 bikes and $11,000 being raised. We awarded four $1000 scholarships on Senior Night, June 1, to four worthy Seniors once again and it was an honor being a part of this ceremony.
The 19th Kerri D Efird Memorial Scholarship Bike Run was as per tradition, the last Saturday in April – which fell on April 29. It was a wonderful day, but also a very solemn day, as this year’s Bike Run has taken place, longer than Kerri lived. We were blessed with a beautiful day with many friends and family that turned out to help us celebrate Kerri’s life! We had 225 bikes and raised $14,000. We proudly awarded $5000. to 6 graduating Seniors at West Stanly Seniors Night in May.
The 20th Kerri D Efird Memorial Scholarship Bike was a blessed day! It was held on Saturday April 28 and we had a wonderful turnout. We had a total of 230 bikes and raised $13,000. We had the pleasure of being a part of the West Stanly Academic Seniors Awards Nigh in May of 2018 and presented 6 – $1000. Scholarships to students that made us so proud to be able to award them to these deserving students.
The 21st KDE Bike Run was held Sat, April 29th, & approx. $17,000. was raised w/185 motorcycles participating once again being a blessed day! For the 2019 Senior Awards night we give away – 6 $1000. Scholarships to 6 outstanding West Stanly HS Seniors.
The 22nd KDE Bike Run was schedule for April 25, 2020, but sadly due to Covid it had to be cancelled. Covid did NOT stop the awarding of 5, $1000. Scholarships to deserving Seniors of the Class of 2020!
The 22nd KDE Bike Run which technically should have been the 23rd, was held on April 24, 2021. We have to say that it was not a Chamber of Commerce Day as it was very cool and rainy. But that did not stop the 38 Bikes that still rode the round trip! This year, however, we had a wonderful year of donations, and our family and friends came out to support! We raised over $16,000! We were able to award 6 $1000 Scholarships to 6 West Stanly HS Seniors!!! We were so excited to be able to do this!
The 23rd KDE Bike Run was held on April 24th, 2022 and we had a wonderful day! We had approx. 112 bikes and raised well over $17,000! One of the biggest amounts that we have raised to date! With this we were able to once again award 6, $1000. Scholarships to graduating seniors!
The 24th KDE Bike Run was held Sat, April 29th, & approx $16,000. was raised w/145 motorcycles participating. Once again for the 2023 West Stanly Seniors Night we were so proud to award 6 -$1000. Scholarships!
Celebrating the 25th KDE Bike Run was so special! The 25th KDE Bike Run was held Sat, April 27th, & approx $18,500. was raised w/192 motorcycles participating along with over 450 people attending. We wanted to do something special for the 25th so we did just that! We awarded 10 – $1000. to 10 amazing WSHS Seniors!
The rest is a testament to Kerri’s life, and we have awarded $127,000., to graduating seniors at West Stanly High School since the beginning of the Scholarship.
The 26th Kerri D Efird Memorial Scholarship Bike Run will be held, on Saturday, April 26, 2024 @ West Stanly High School starting at 9AM. 26th on the 26!!!! Please call if you need more info on this great event. We would love for you to be a part of this wonderful event!
Please continue to pray for all involved in this monumental effort! The Bike Run is very important to this endeavor, as it is the sole support of the Scholarship Fund, along with generous donations from corporations/companies/& individuals.
Please keep everyone involved w/ the Bike Run in your thoughts and prayers as we continue to keep KERRI’s Memory alive!
Our daughter was a very brave and determined young lady. With the continued support of our family & friends, we want to keep our daughters strong & determined faith alive, along with the desire to help someone else continue their education and carry on the memory and undying spirit of Kerri.
Thank you for your time and interest. Please feel free to call with any questions/concerns.
Once again, thank you for your support in our endeavor to carry on our precious daughter’s memory.
In Kerri’s Memory,
Scott & Tracy Efird
106 Walnut Creek Road
Locust, NC 28097 704-888-4587