The Kerri D. Efird Memorial Scholarship was established to carry on the memory of a special person whose life was short, but in her 18 years accomplished more than most of us will in a lifetime.
Our daughter, Kerri, passed away on 02/21/1999 at the age of 18. Kerri had cystic fibrosis & at the age of 16 was placed on the transplant list for lungs. She received a new set on May 10, 1997 which was also Mother’s Day.
After transplant Kerri was in the hospital for 11 weeks at Duke Medical Center and then in rehab for 5 weeks. We came home in Aug of 97 – 1 week after school had started where she was a Junior at West – there were many complications after the transplant but Kerri who was a dedicated member of The West Stanly Players, continued to go to school & keep up with her class. Kerri soon had to go on homebound due to monthly hospitalizations, but at this point in her Senior Yr, she had ample requirements for graduation and started to take on-line courses with Stanly Community College.
Kerri did not walk across the stage at graduation with her class of 1999, but in spirit she was there when her name was called & was recognized for her academic achievements against all odds presented before her.
Kerri’s life made such an impression that the KDE Memorial Scholarship was established. In the year of 2000 we formally incorporated and became a 501(c)3 non profit organization. Click here for the full history of the Scholarship.
Kerri relied on her faith in God, family, & friends to carry her through her worst times. The rest is a testament to Kerri’s life & we have awarded $117,000. to graduating seniors at West Stanly High School.
As you can see, Kerri was a very brave and determined young lady that constantly made us so very proud to be her parents. With the support of family & friends now, we strive to carry on her memory & undying spirit.
Scott & Tracy Efird